Legal compliance
Our escort agency represents and promotes services in the form of companionship with escorts for a given period of time. The activities that may take place in that period are solely a result of agreement between two consenting adults, the client and the escort.
All escorts listed by our agency are over 18, have a valid right to work, are independent contractors and choose their own working hours.
We do not offer a walk in escort service. Escorts are free to decline bookings if they so wish to do so. Any exchanges that happen between the escort and the client is a matter of privacy between 2 consenting adults.
The agency collects a nominal booking fee otherwise known as commission for marketing, publicity and promotion. Any payment the agency receives is strictly for advertising and marketing and administrative services. The Agency pays tax, complies with HMRC guidelines and takes steps to facilitate the compliance of self employed escorts with their statutory accounting requirements for which they are solely responsible.
Portfolio Escorts care for the safety of both the client and the escorts who we work with. With this in mind, we would like to offer you some background information on the company, the escorts and the checks that we carry out to ensure your time with us is as safe, pleasant and informed as possible.
The escorts that you see on our website have chosen to advertise their services with Portfolio safe in the knowledge that they will be working in a secure environment. The escorts choose the days they wish to work and services they provide to you the client, these are not dictated to them by Portfolio or any other third party.
The escorts are not forced, coerced or under threat in any way shape or form. They have have full access to all the authorities; police, sexual health clinics and similar organisations.
Current laws are being enforced in the hope that they will stop the deeply offensive trade of sex trafficking. We know you will join us in assisting the authorities in any way possible should you yourself have concerns or doubt regarding an escort or establishment by calling CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.
At Portfolio Escorts all the escorts have agreed to sign a statement informing you and the authorities of their choice to work in the industry and their status within England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The statement also covers their self-employment status, their responsibility to pay tax and that no other person has involvement with their choice of work.
If you have any questions you would like answered please do not hesitate to contact us via email.
In 2009, the laws in the United Kingdom changed in relation to escort agencies and prostitution. The Policing and Crime Act 2009 came into operation on 1 April 2010 and made it a criminal offence to pay for services of a prostitute who is controlled for gain if any third party uses force, threat (whether or not relating to violence) or any other form of coercion.
The new laws have been enacted to help combat the trafficking of humans into the sex market and to rightly protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation.
Portfolio Escorts is an escort referral service, a promotional booking agency and acts only as an introduction service that collects a referral fee from the escorts they represent and promote. These escorts are independent contractors.